Artwork for background and heading used Courtesy and with permission of Tom Wilcox
 ‘‘ I had so many questions about things I would always see when I was little, so many pieces of the puzzle that never seemed to complete itself. There was so much that felt unanswered and this workshop allowed me to finally be in a space within myself to understand it. It was weird, so many things were pieced together and I am unsure how I never saw it like this before. It seems so freaking obvious now…. it’s kind of funny…so seriously, for that, I thank you. You were the perfect teacher for this workshop!!!’’

 ‘‘ This workshop was by far, the most life-changing workshop I have ever been blessed to be a part of. I am so grateful that I will never be the same person again after this amazing experience. Josée's way of teaching this workshop embraces your soul on the way to your heart. From my heart to yours…. truly outstanding…’’

 ‘‘ Josée, thank-you! You are so earthy, grounded, present, and wise. You showed up day after day with love and openness as you gracefully guided us through the beautiful journey that is "Awakening the Illuminated Heart". I am deeply grateful for your space holding and facilitation as I discovered more of who I am, awakened more to my own divinity, and embodied more of my own love. I am blessed to have met you!’’

‘‘ I am happy to report that all my new tools seem to be working excellent, and am having lots of joy exploring them. It's like being in a totally different person. I don't think anybody's actions or words could ever possibly bothering me again, I seem to look at life through would totally different perspective, colors seem brighter, sound seems clearer, you seem to see the world full of joy and positive hope. Little daily tasks which previously one would see evidence frustrating annoying routine, now melt and there are super easy.’’

 ‘‘ My life has changed completely, I thought I was a fairly nice person before, but now, I don't know quite how to express it, it's wonderful! To say thank you Josée seems totally inadequate. So let me try and pass on my gratitude to you telepathically.’’  

"Josee!  - My assessment of our weekend is hard to put in the language of the heart, it's easy - but oh those words get in the way.  And still, I'll try - I found your teachings to be so clear, so vibrant, so interesting, so informative, so exciting, so hopeful, so joyful. I had read every single book, and more than were required - I had just gotten and read The Mayan Oroboros as well, so I was happy to find that still, I learned more - way more!  Your mastery of the material, your faith in each of us to be able to master it as well, your patience with our sometimes silly questions, meanderings, etc., your ability to keep us all on track and focused on the material at hand - covering OH-SO-MUCH- in a short four day period...I just can't say enough - and I would love to be able to take your class again when you return to Paradise...  In the meantime, I continue to practice, and to savor every moment from the sacred space of the heart.  What a gift!  Thank you for that."

‘‘There is a warmth and a love within this self that has absolutely been awakened. I believe that you, Josee, have a beautiful gift of teaching and of love that is indescribable. I thank-you with all my heart for helping me to awaken and reconnect with my true self.
You are amazing, with grace! <3‘‘

 ‘‘ It was an honor to be in Josée's energy of wisdom, knowing and love. As like most of us the language does not match the experience. The shifts I was having in class sometimes very strong and others so calm. Some of the things I was seeking in my tiny space came through with strong confirmation. So strong it would not let me rest all of Sunday evening. By Monday morning I had called in and quit my job. I don't know what's next and that is perfectly fine right now. I continue using my tools and feel much more relaxed and free by honoring by higher self. I am forever changed THANK YOU SO MUCH. Blessings back to you 10 FOLD. ‘‘ <3

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